Constructing the square root of 6
On Twitter, @RuedigerSimpson pointed me at an episode of My Favourite Theorem in which @FawnPNguyen mentioned a method for constructing
- draw a circle of radius 4
- construct a perpendicular to the radius at a distance of 3 from the centre
- the distance between the base of the perpendicular and where it meets the circle is
, because .
Very nice! The square root of any odd number can be constructed a similar way -
Similarly, multiples of 4 are easy pickings:
Which leaves only numbers of the form
A simple way to construct, say
But Simon didn’t like that. Can it be done without bisection?
No bisection!
I’m quite pleased with my alternative method, which I’m told is based on the Spiral of Theodorus, although it’s rather less involved.
If you construct
I thought that was a neat bit of geometry. I don’t for a second imagine it’s new (it’s probably in Euclid if I could be bothered to look), but it was pretty enough a solution to make me grin.
Do you know of any other nice methods?